Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

The "Shadow Docket" is where the Supreme Court is taking away our rights...and media does not seem to care. The American media is a wallowing beast more like a hippo than like hippocrates, an open-minded seeker of truth.

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The media just wallows toward advertising revenue and has zero care about the responsibility they once had for the public.

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

Bang on! It has become more 'entertainment' than media...but we can ask Alex Jones how well that is working out for him... LOL

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Perfect Barry. We could ask him, but I think he’s had to sell his phone. 🤓

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'More entertainment than media' -- which is one of the several reasons why I've commented in a previous reply post that Morning in America Joe is quickly and obviously becoming a news-tainment program. Formerly, I would look forward in the morning to tuning in to Joe predominantly to hear the 'MSNBC contributors' provide a varied commentary on the news. Now, the segments with their comments are truncated almost as soon as they open their mouths. And, lest I forget to say, the endless insertion of sports highlights whenever the bros get a chance. I don't notice any of the women around the table chiming in....

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Very true Jacquelyn. The treatment of politics as a sport, as red versus blue, does a great disservice to America and democracy.

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

I like both comments here. I wonder whether the old Red vs Blue structure is breaking down a bit these days, with more people listing themselves as "Independent"...just the way the Founding Fathers wanted it.

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I think so, however, I would argue they are doing so for the wrong reasons. The Democratic party has a very good platform, however the party apparatus is badly broken and remains so. The GOP/MAGA party are incompetent, corrupt, and the condensed version of their platform is to make the wealthy wealthier while dividing and conquering everyone else.

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

The compilation of pictures tells the entire story! The narcissism, egomania and the evil show through!

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Thank you Anthony. I try to make the information as accessible as possible. The pictures really tell a story I try to narrate.

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

I’m going to share this today! People need to see this!

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Thanks Anthony! I’m always deeply grateful for sharing when I produce something share-worthy.

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

Maybe we could vote for the horse instead.

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Just not Putin’s horse. 🤓

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

Agreed! LOL

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

Yes, we need to beat the folks who are voting for the horse's ass.

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

Love your comment

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Jun 16Liked by George A. Polisner

George you really nailed it with this post.

We have a 14th amendment to purge traitors from congress if the dems aren't too timid to use it. I'm not holding my breath. I may spend a lot of time in Baja.

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I wrote the article at home in Portugal. 😎

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Ya have to love our politics. Four months away and we have no idea who will be president.

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In that sense it’s far better than Putin and Russia. Four months away and RT already provides the election results.

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This is the beauty, and necessity, of a two-party system.

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