Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Thank you for laying out the danger that Project 2025 represents to our nation, its citizens and our Constitutional Republic, our democracy. I call the Heritage Foundation the Sith Lords hellbent on tearing down our government by substituting power of the people for power for a few obscenely rich, mobligarchs is what I call them, disciples of depravity a byproduct of Citizens United. This has been their fever dream ever since that disastrous decision. Now they are brazen enough to show all of their cards shamelessly, after all they are the self-anointed entitled ones and the rest of us are expendable, unworthy and invisible. The antidote for all of this is spelled out in the above post by George Polisner.

AMERICA 2025 is the solution, never underestimate the power of your vote and what can be done to overthrow this corruption riddle criminal enterprise that is morally, intellectually and ethically bankrupt. Vote with a big stick like you're hunting rats, Heed bucko!

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Thank you Swami!

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Great post. Thanks for sharing resources. I’d suggest that each of us select one or two topics of concern and go all out on working to educate and support. Project 2025 will probably be rolled out in stages and/or in predisposed states. If you have an interest in the less “exciting” issues, select them. Everything is on the table for transformation to God’s will.

Get to know your Senators. Call their local office and their D.C. office frequently. Project 2025 is such a broad manifesto that our representatives need to know what you want them to start blocking ASAP.

WHATEVER YOUR DO TO EDUCATE OTHERS WILL HELP US AMPLIFY OUR CONCERNS. Unlike Germans in WWII, we will gain control by shouting our views everywhere.

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Shared to my phone notes for thorough reading.


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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Great article, George! Any possibility you can shorten it? I am afraid that the average voter goes for a concise version if they are going to absorb the information.

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Yes, and good point Janan. I suspect focusing on the intro, what to do before election day, and the conclusion will help. Also, I do want to look into partnering with a creative who can help generate 90 second explainers of key pieces of content.

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Great idea!

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

I have been talking and explaining all about Project 2025 for months yet the vast majority of Americans are totally uninformed!

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Keep it up Laura. Some are willfully ignorant, yet many are purposefully overwhelmed. 🤓

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1 hr ago·edited 1 hr agoLiked by George A. Polisner

Excellent. Excellent.

I have been and will continue to spread this message. Thanks for putting it into clear words that I will use in explaining to those who haven't been paying attention, or just don't see it.

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10 hrs agoLiked by George A. Polisner

Thank you for this writing. Just like your book in the sense of big print and simplied explanations.

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Thank you -I try (and don't always succeed) in making important content readily accessible and occasionally entertaining.

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Outstanding post George. I don't think you missed anything. You have laid out what I consider to be reasonable and sensible policies and plans. I will share.

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Thank you Bill! Very grateful for additional visibility until I can afford a leveraged buy out of the NY Times and/or WAPO. 🤓

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Jul 1Liked by George A. Polisner

Thank you, George.

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I'm grateful to all who take the time to read and share. Thanks Phil.

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Jul 2Liked by George A. Polisner

You've got such good detail everywhere else here, George.

So why just settle for boilerplate on ed?

You know, the language you have here could describe quality as equally that being the numbered, linear-unit-driven, quantified-categorical-driven, depersonalized suiting the values of standardized testers -- or it could be humane, befitting the nuances, complex-layered, complications, and personal issues fit to humanities.

Given how the billionaire commodifiers of all life have reduced schools to what standardized testers can put in machines, do you really want to equivocate as if the vulgar strangling our schools were equal to quite others nurturing humanity?

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Thanks Phil -and I do agree -I view education as one of three vital pillars of any meaningful democracy. Just as the other two (informed and engaged society) deserve their own article -so does education. And I often defer to Noam Chomsky (Chomsky on Miseducation) which I view as a very important book on the subject (as well as Howard Zinn's introduction into "The People's History..."

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Need to create an earworm with that!! Lol

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What are these two in the first photo pledging allegiance to exactly? Certainly not the constitution or the U.S. Flag right side up.

Is it a Trump flag, a confederate flag, a Q flag, a swastika?

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Love the “Confederalist” Court! Now I know where Mark Lemley gets his term “Imperial” Court in his 2022 paper at Stanford Law! Never made the KLK connection. Alito, presumably is the Grand Wizard

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Great post George and one I can support.

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Thank you Fay!

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

I hope everything you put forth here ends up in the democratic platform. You hit all the important issues. Excellent summary.

It’s imperative that we move toward a positive “we the people”future. The kleptocrats are trying to kill us all and they seem to have the upper hand. All our lives and futures are on the line this election and many many folks are in denial.

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Jul 1Liked by George A. Polisner

"You hit all the important issues," Tee Ree?

Not the one about humanities being eradicated from American schools, and being replaced by the kinds of standardized testing that serves the predator billionaires and their boughten public officials abstracting American life for the convenience of our worst criminals in high places.

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Jun 30Liked by George A. Polisner

Great article. Will share as widely as possible considering I’m only on a few sites.

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Thank you Kay-El -gratefully appreciated!

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