Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

A brilliant history of trickle down but up economics, George. I wish every voter knew the truth. The Republicans today are not the ones my grandparents knew. They were vote Republican straight ticket while my mother drew a line and we all became Democrats before the 1960 election.

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Thank you Diane! I wonder how far ahead of the world American society would be if when your mother drew that line -everyone became Democrats!

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Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

Well, George, these are facts that have been getting under my skin for years. I wish I could explain them as well to everyone I talk to about voting. But I will try!

I would love to see this post printed in newspapers across the country. Maybe some of the current" republicans" know how to read.

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Thank you Celeste. Can you imagine if all of the MAGA anger was actually directed at the root cause? (It would be fun to watch on TV).

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Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

Actually, I can!

Here's hoping...

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Thank you Stephen. As it was early into his first term (and I'm throwing up a little to defend Reagan -as I do believe his policies to have been horrific for all but the ultra-wealthy) -it might be unfair to tag it as the Reagan recession (as much as I'd like to). Economic policies and the Fed shape economic outcomes -however the way I understand it -it's like turning a massive ship. Cutting interest rates today might mean entities make capital investment soon after, and in turn, perhaps months later the economic result of an interest rate adjustment, (or a year or more for tax cuts) can be reflected in the trends and impacts. In any event -we know that policies from terrible Administrations like Reagan's or Trump's harms people that are furloughed, lose their employment (and benefits), or worse.

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Perfect. I moved to the U.S. (San Francisco) in 1978 after living in Japan for four years, and I was shocked -- how could a second rate, washed-up Hollywood actor become POTUS??? Over the next 20 years I witnessed the devastating effects: no more care for people with mental problems, more homeless people, slashed education budgets, etc. To repeat what other commenters mentioned: HOW can this excellent summary be shouted from the rooftops?

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Thank you Jessica. Grateful for you and all who share.

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Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

Thank you George!! This is the most accurate and easily understood history of the economic mess the Republican “revolution” did to the American economy and our people - and why we can not go back!!!

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Thank you Kay.

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Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

Excellent recap! As a pertinent tangent, I'd like to mention the Reagan Recession of the early 1980s. I was a victim of it. I was put on furlough for about six months. I did get my job back, thank goodness!


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Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

Great post, George, stating eloquently, what many of us have been saying for years. I understood trickle down was a massive hoax in 1980 and campaigned against Reagan - only to be greeted by "Oh, but he's so handsome" or "He has such a beautiful voice and he looks so honest" or "did you ever see him in...." BS. There are times when I can almost agree with those who want to limit the voting public, except I'd prefer to limit those who spend most of their time watching sitcoms and soap operas on the idiot box - and since that's not possible no restrictions at all - except citizenship - that's easy to establish. But once established it should not be necessary to repeat again.

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Thank you Fay. Too many just yell talking points intentionally distracted from what is being taken from all of us.

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Sep 17Liked by George A. Polisner

True George, True

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