Aug 1Liked by George A. Polisner

There’s generational wealth built upon the multi-generational family business using un- and under-paid labor of others, usually undocumented immigrant workers.

From Marsha Mennerich’s comment to Robert Reich’s August 1st Newsletter:

Trump paid $1.375M to settle case over UNDOCUMENTED Polish workers he hired to demolish the Bonwit Teller building where Trump Tower now stands. "In 1980, under pressure to begin construction on what would become his signature project, Donald Trump employed a crew of 200 undocumented Polish workers who worked in 12-hour shifts, without gloves, hard hats or masks, to demolish the Bonwit Teller building on New York's Fifth Avenue, where the 58-story, golden-hued Trump Tower now stands. The workers were paid as little as $4 (£3) an hour for their dangerous labour, less than half the union wage, if they got paid at all."


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Aug 1Liked by George A. Polisner

Are they all shoveling bullshit in the picture?

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If only we could export it.

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Haha……I actually laughed 😅

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Trickle Down

Trickle down

Trickle down

The only thing that trickles down

Is colored yellow

Trickle down

Trickle down.

Company profits rarely flow

To the average fellow

While workers brains and arms prop up the giant corporations

Their hired thugs try to derail

Folks union operations

Trickle down.

tax advantage for the rich mean

Most folks left with grievings

The fat cats get filet mignon

poor folks get the leavings

Trickle down

The CEO says he works hard

To justify his yearnings

But the worker seldom has the pull

To magnify his earnings

Trickle down

Malcolm J McKinney

Labor Day 2023

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Aug 1Liked by George A. Polisner

Brilliant public service and reason to vote blue for Kamala Harris💙🇺🇸💙

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Aug 2Liked by George A. Polisner

DEI…..don, Eric, ivanka

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Aug 4Liked by George A. Polisner

I stole it from someone else.

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Borrowed in perpetuity. 🤓

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It doesn't matter, it's still clever 👍

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Aug 1Liked by George A. Polisner

DEI poster kids!

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Aug 2Liked by George A. Polisner

Moe, Larry, Curley, and Cruella all posing with shovels, an adviser educated them on which end to hold.

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Aug 1Liked by George A. Polisner


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Aug 10Liked by George A. Polisner

Gees, I was already depressed about inequality before I read this. 😢

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Aug 4Liked by George A. Polisner

All scum.

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Aug 3Liked by George A. Polisner

CONVICTED FELON TRAITOR DJT💩🤡🪱🧠🐔💩🤬 & fam!!! (Except Mary L)

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Aug 1Liked by George A. Polisner

The DEI hires!!!

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Thank you.

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deletedAug 9Liked by George A. Polisner
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Indeed. I’m hopeful that voters will completely reject them, and their co-conspirators and accessories after the fact in Congress, State, and Local government.

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