“Russia’s Admiral Gorshkov frigate and the nuclear-powered submarine Kazan . . . have arrived in Cuba for a “five-day visit” seen as a show of force by Moscow amid rising tension over its invasion of Ukraine. Cuba saluted the vessels’ arrival with a 21-gun salute. The unusual deployment of the Russian navy so close to the United States comes after Washington and some of Ukraine’s other Western allies allowed Kyiv to use their weapons on targets inside Russia amid a renewed Russian assault on northeastern Kharkiv.” (Aljazeera, 13 June 2024)

Putin wants Americans to feel “fear” as these mighty military ships pull into Havana which lies just 90 miles from Key West. Western involvement in Russia’s war in Ukraine appears as a provocation addressed to Putin - who doesn’t grasp that Ukraine is no longer an arm of Russia but instead it is a sovereign, independent nation.

On August 24, 1991 Ukraine declared it’s independence from the Soviet Union - almost 33 years ago. (Wikipedia.org) For nearly 75 years, most of this time under the leadership of Stalin, Ukraine was one of 15 Soviet republics. Amy Nolen Osborn, worked at the U.S. Embassy in Ukraine as a Program Officer for the U.S. Foreign Commercial Service. She addressed a letter to me that said: “As you are aware, Ukraine has had to depend on Russia for all relative and technical information needs over the past 75 years. It is our hope that your bi-cultural expertise will assist both Russia and Ukraine with the capacity to move Ukraine toward independence.” To comply with her request, Russia needed to acknowledge Ukraine’s independence.

Putin’s war of aggression against Ukraine, defined by Wikipedia as a “military conflict waged, usually for territorial gain” is an admission that Russia never accepted the 1991 Ukrainian declaration of independence. In a 1991 meeting between myself and Sergei Glasev in Moscow, the Russian Deputy Minister for Foreign Economic Relations of the Russian Federation - he also admitted that Russia had not recognized Ukraine as an independent nation. This is still true today.

About ten to fifteen years before Hitler was gaining preeminence in Germany, by brainwashing the German public with hatred toward Jews, and exterminating about two-thirds of Europe’s Jewish population - the first large-scale genocide called the Holodomor was methodically planned and precisely executed in Ukraine by Joseph Stalin. This was primarily to eliminate a Ukrainian independence movement. From about 1932 to 1933, Stalin was responsible for the horrific man-made extermination of approximately twenty million Ukrainians through famine and starvation. He stole all the Ukrainian grain and delivered it to Russia. And just like 90 years ago, Ukraine was again convinced in the 1990s to give up all their nuclear weapons in exchange for security guarantees from Russia - a hoax. A Russian proverb says “doveryai, no proveryai” - trust but verify. More simply, believe what someone does and not what they say.

Russia is telling the world that the presence in Cuba of these powerful, and armed military ships and a nuclear-powered submarine are for training purposes. DO YOU BELIEVE HIM?

TODAY, Putin is often compared to Stalin and he is appreciative of the similarities. In his demented mind, Stalin was a great Russian leader whom he wishes to emulate. This means that we have a 21st century barbarous, brutal, cold-blooded dictator with the same savage and relentless behavior as Stalin or Hitler - who just parked a Russian nuclear submarine within striking distance of the United States.

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

As a surfer and Scuba diver I'm all for vegetarian sharks, but you have forgotten education in your list. I believe everyone should have access to an unfettered education in addition to the other things you have listed. Otherwise I agree with you 100%.

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Excellent point Bob -although I think it's indirectly spoken of when I write about a better future for next generations -it should specifically be called out. And yes -some plant-based burgers for sharks: Beyond Humans?

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

Thanks Bob, 'brain-washing' our children into being non thinkers, may be great for fascism but it leads to annihilation for civilization.

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I think Bob is definitely pro-education. He was calling me out for its absence in my list (although I indirectly included it).

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

I am pro-education. My comment wasn't meant as criticism, or to call you out. As a retired professor of mathematics I just wanted to emphasize education directly.

You and I are in agreement.

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As a retired professor of mathematics you have |absolute value| Bob. (Sorry. I could help it. I blame the vegetarian sharks).

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

George you have me laughing out loud, but I'm a symbol-minded guy.

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Well-played. After coding in fortran I studied APL for a (dare I say) bit.

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner


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"Clear air to breathe, unfouled and lead-free water to drink, healthful food to eat, and a livable planet" That's my issue too. Unfortunately neither party is doing well. There's a reason industry gives to both

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Jun 13·edited Jun 13Author

While I applaud Nixon’s creation of the EPA, one look at SCOTUS and the priorities of the political parties become painfully clear.

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The Dems are good at holding up the environmental flag, and in some cases they can be admirable, but overall neither party is the environmentalist's friend. In my part of the world we have an overwhelming and historic Democrat leadership, and from mining to farming to development you'd hardly see a difference with Republicans.

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Jun 14Liked by George A. Polisner

Well stated and well reasoned.

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Thank you Allan!

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

The Trumpers have no clue!

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

Thank you, George, you explicitly show America today. I agree with your 5 bulleted points (especially the vegetarian sharks LOL) The point is, how do we reach that minority of disillusioned people who have been harmed by an out-of-control government for too long. Beginning in the 1970's with Nixon, until Joe Biden we really haven't had a pro-people President. I admire Jimmy Carter, his head and emotions were in the right place he was just too nice to be effective. Bill Clinton wanted to be "loved and admired" more than he wanted to govern for all of us. Barrack Obama had the right ideas, but he wasn't strong enough or effective enough to stand up to Mitch. Now at last we have a President who is both wise and strong but we have insufficient media support to let the people know what is really happening.

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The question you raise Fay cuts to the essence of the challenges we face across an array of societal imperatives. While we might occasionally win a battle along the way (for example, Senator Warnock), the war is multigenerational. If my thinking that any meaningful form of democracy requires an educated, informed, and engaged society, in is vital to prioritize our investments (of money and time) into public K-12 and higher ed, journalism, and strengthening voting rights (while eliminating voter suppression and gerrymandering). We simply can’t write checks every 2-4 years, vote, and hope for a better tomorrow. And the DOJ could lead things off by indicting every Congressional member, and State/Local official who participated in the insurrection, obstruction of justice, and continuing attempts to subvert the will of the majority by attacking the election system. If the DOJ would cast off the fear of being “political” and go 14th Amendment happy, that could be the only event that could rapidly accelerate America back to a path toward “a more perfect Union”. Otherwise it is likely to take multiple generations.

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Jun 13Liked by George A. Polisner

Thank you, thank you, thank you, George. My sentiments exactly. I'm sorry the framers of our representative government left education to the States. It has resulted in citizens in some States highly educated, interested in how their government works; while other States turn out semi-literate day laborers, who can barely fasten their shoes. Sometimes I wonder if we're too late to "fix" our educational system. Guess my grumbling comes from 18 years of teaching LOL

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