George, just finished reading Joyce Vance's post dated July 4th. Don't know whether you've seen it, but I want to bring it to your attention...it gives me hope. Congressman Jared Huffman (No. CA) has just inaugurated a Project 2025 Task Force in Congress. According to him, he's getting very good response from members. I thought this would never happen, but lo and behold, it has. Let's hope for the best for their efforts.

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Thanks and greatly enjoy @Joyce Vance’s writing, experience, and insights -some of my best friends are former federal prosecutors. :)

It’s important for all of us and everyone in leadership to know and understand what the democracy-hating extremists (whether in Putin’s government, or here in the United States) are planning.

I do hope part of the Task Force’s objective is to develop a coherent competitive vision to support and strengthen democracy, as opposed to Project 2025’s transparent call for its destruction.

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George, I share your hope. Let's hope that the Task Force will actually develop plans to counteract 2025 and, at the same time work with Biden (or whoever...) to develop ads to challenge 2025's plans and educate the public on its specifics. MSNBC will be holding a 'Democracy 2025' in-person panel discussion in Brooklyn shortly, with all their heavy-hitters in the line-up. Do you know someone in these circles who would be open to your and our concerns about being specific about dangers, and not just talk about democracy in general?

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I do, however, to no avail thus far. I will continue to try.

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Appreciated. 'Try' is all we can do at this point. Thank you.

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Jul 4Liked by George A. Polisner

Happy 4th brother. The country you left no longer exists, regardless of what happens in November. The US no longer believes in the axiom that no one is above the law nor does it honor the principle of 3 equal branches of government. Hard to see a way back from here absent a revolution. I do not expect to see that in my lifetime. Be well in Portugal.

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Jul 5·edited Jul 5Liked by George A. Polisner

You've defined a plan which acts as the inverse for Project 2025, in that it, rather effectively, cancels the radical changes proposed in P2025. I'm all in.

I've read the entirety of P2025. Raising awareness of its devastating consequences is imperative. I don't think the population at large understands the breadth or the radical reshaping of the government proposed in the plan. The recent SCOTUS rulings are smoothing the way for Trump to be its puppet leader.

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Thank you Bob. I am deeply concerned about the clear bias SCOTUS has demonstrated. We should all be concerned for the firehose of lawsuits Trump will file upon a loss in November, the delay and chaos he will cause and the fact that the lawsuits (and the American experiment) will end with a 6-3 SCOTUS ruling.

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Jul 5Liked by George A. Polisner

I believe the court will decide this election as well, ala Gore v Bush. I'm reading "The Spirit of Laws", by Montesquieu, which was published in 1748. It would have been the only printed resource available to the framers. He sorts governments into 3 types viz. republican governments, which can take either democratic or aristocratic forms; monarchies; and despotisms. I think we live in a republican government of aristocratic form. Montesquieu was concerned that lifetime appointments could lead to corruption, and warned of the danger of an alliance of the executive and judicial branches.

Do you have any idea why the framers used the word peers when speaking of jury trials?

Why peers and not people, or citizens? Hm... Did the framers create an aristocratic class using lifetime appointments? I will continue my study of the inspiration upon which the framers relied. More to follow.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to your findings.

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George, absolutely insightful post. Excellent run-down on what needs to be done. Project 2025 discussion should be front and center for every dem. politician and MSM news.

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Thank you Jacquelyn.

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Jul 4Liked by George A. Polisner

Brilliant, George! Ever consider running for office?

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Thank you Diane. I do consider it every time I rewatch “Bulworth”. 🤓

Nevertheless I suspect it would be challenging for any thread or threads of mental health I still possess. Especially if the work entailed listening to Jordan, Comey, or Boebert trying to speak.

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Jul 4Liked by George A. Polisner

I couldn’t take them either. George. You’d make a great advisor in any case (from your home!) Happy Independence Day💙🇺🇸💙

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Thank you -I think working remotely is much safer for all involved. :)

Hope you have a nice Independence Day as well Diane, in spite of the challenges before us. And do hope more people stop and think about the tyranny from which we celebrate our independence.

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Thank you, George. 💙🇺🇸💙

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Completely wonderful piece! Thank you! So with so many think tanks, have any produced an anti Project 2025, embellishing and detailing what you have touched on in your article?

Though Dems and Independents will fight about the fine points, the larger chapters should be easy to understand and be able to be presented in small chunks to get people interested and even excited. I mean the chapter on DHS in P2025 was written by Ken Cucinelli. I’m not even an intelligence SME and could write some snappy and hopeful compared with his dangerous rhetoric and fascist shtick.

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Thank you Angela. I suspect there is a great deal of compelling yet silo’d work done however I’m unaware if any organizations have tied the work together in a comprehensive manner and then communicated it in an array of compelling ways to engage all demographics.

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Jul 4Liked by George A. Polisner

Good and interesting post, George. Much to reflect upon

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Jul 4Liked by George A. Polisner

Excellent piece! Plan to share !

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Thank you Laura ... sharing is caring!

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Jul 4Liked by George A. Polisner

Wow! What a blueprint! Thank you for your hard work. 🇺🇸

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Thank you Gail.

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